1. Participation artists anywhere in the world of professional and amateur, over 18years.
2. The works submitted must be entirely original and unpublished. They must be engaged simultaneously in another contest or event.
3. The question to be developed is:
If you had the opportunity to start from scratch:
RESET, what would you change about your life or your surroundings?
The contest is to know that answer this
asks a cartoon, you can use short texts
in caricature and must be written in Spanish or
translated into English if your language is not one of the
above. You should clarify the question so
implicit in the cartoon or the title of the work.
* The organizers reserve the right to withdraw the competition work that is offensive.
4. Each contestant can participate with 3 pieces (be disqualified authors who send more than 3 works).
5. Any technique will be accepted (digital or manual a color or b / n).
6. The work may not exceed 21 cm x 29 cm in size or proportion, with resolution not less than 300 dpi.
7. Contestants attached a document specifying:
• Full name and pseudonym
• Photo of the author or cartoon of his face.
• Address
• Telephone
• Nationality.
• Title of each work
• Is this the first time you participate?
• Brief biographical sketch (curriculum vitae)
8. Contestants will sign a certification, which will be sent in a sealed envelope in casethe certification is sent by e-mail will have to come with the scanned signature.
Example. I (author's name) certify that the author of the work: If
had the opportunity to start from scratch: RESET
What would you change your life or your surroundings? I submit to
contest La Ciudad de las Ideas. I, (name of author)
accept for the sake of submitting this work, the foundations of
competition and the use thereof for the purposes
Poder Cívico A.C. consider relevant.
9. The works and envelopes with the author's data is sent to the following address:
3rd. International Cartoon Contest
Reforma 222, Piso 12
Col. Juarez
C.P. 06600 Mexico D.F.
By e-mail addresses are as follows:
mar_interactiva@yahoo.com.mx with a copy to contacto@ciudaddelasideas.com
10. The selected works will be exhibited in Puebla, Mexico, on days 11, 12 andNovember 13 del2011 and will appear in the blog: http://cartonistciudaddelasideas.blogspot.com/ created for this purpose and on the official site of the City of Ideas http://www.ciudaddelasideas.com/. Will only be used tobroadcast the festival in various media, including reproduction in catalogs, postcards, or books, internet or television as agreed by the sponsors.
11. This call will run from June 1 to September 9, 2011. Entries submitted by mail orcourier must have the date recorded as a limit on the postmark or mail.
12. Contest results will be announced on the official website of the City of
Http://www.ciudaddelasideas.com ideas. People who are winners will be notified by e-mail indicated in your shipping. We ask do ignore any email confirmation unless it has the domain @ciudaddelasideas as @podercivico.org.mx.
13. The jury will be appointed by Poder Cívico A.C. and shall be empowered to resolve any issues related to the contest that does not comply with the provisions of these rules.The prize may be awarded if the jury believes that none of the works presented have enough quality, whose decision is final the composition of the jury will remain secret until the end of the call.
14. Non-winning works may be withdrawn by the authors at the offices of Poder Civico three months after posting the bug, the works that are not collected, will be on deposit with Martha Barragan Mendez for any return as required after the date set by Poder Civico.
• First Place: A trip with all expenses paid to the city of Puebla, Puebla, Mexico to participate in the Festival de la Ciudad de las Ideas and diplome.
• Second Place: A trip with all expenses paid to the city of Puebla, Puebla, Mexico to participate in the Festival de la Ciudad de las Ideas and diplome.
• Third Place: A trip with all expenses paid to the city of Puebla, Puebla, Mexico to participate in the Festival de la Ciudad de las Ideas and diplome.
Dos honorable mentions: Each one will claim a diploma will be sent in the days after the festival.
Note: Prizes can not be paid in cash or transferable to another person.
Martha Barragan Mendez.
Coordinator International Cartoon Contest
Official site: http://ciudaddelasideas.com/